This letter is in regards to the Landscape Maintenance Service provided by Benchmark Landscape for the Mirasol Community Association in San Diego. The Mirasol community had been maintained by the same landscape company for nearly 6 years prior to Benchmark coming onboard. In that 6 year period, the contractor had increased their contract price each year, resulting in an over-inflated cost to the Association for landscape maintenance.
Based on the square footage of the site and the plant material in use on the project, Benchmark was able to lower the cost by nearly 30%. The Mirasol Board of Directors was initially suspicious of the low price quote, thinking that Benchmark underbid the contract and that they would receive less service and that as a result their landscape would suffer from lack of attention. The Board did, however, decide to take a chance on Benchmark, and have been very impressed by the level of service and attention to detail that they are receiving. The landscape within Mirasol looks better than ever, and the savings in landscape maintenance costs will enable them to prevent an increase in assessments for the 2013 Fiscal Year. Benchmark Landscape always strives to be a competitive ”player” in our industry. In this particular instance, Benchmark was low bid. However, through proper planning and prioritization, they are able to effectively maintain the community at a significant savings to the Association.
I’m happy to recommend the services of Benchmark Landscape. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Jessica Williams, CCAM
Division Manger – Inland Empire Division
The Prescott Companies, An Associa Company